About HippoLogic

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Reward-Based Training for Horses & Riders

Welcome to my blog. My name is Sandra Poppema and my mission is:

Show passionate, smart riders ways to train & ride their horses in a 100% horse friendly way, that turns their horse into a friend for life. ♥

Since I use positive reinforcement to communicate with horses, I found out that it has many advantages. I found a way to avoid frustration, fear and open up a closed mind. This doesn’t only apply to the horse, but also to the trainer!

Wow, isn’t that great?

Empathy for the horse and knowledge about the natural behaviour and needs of horses makes communication to the horse easier. Therefor the ‘questions’ (training) must make sense to the horse.

My mission is to improve horse-human relationships and help horse owners become the best horse people they can be!

Visit my website if you want to work with me: HippoLogic

Happy Horse training!

Sandra Poppema

hippologic clickertraining_Sandra en Kyra

Bachelor degree in Animal management
Certified ORUN instructor (Royal Dutch Horse Federation)
Certified Centered Riding instructor

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